How Can I Do Math Research as an Undergraduate?


1. Take an independent study course

The best way to get started: get to know Professors and their research interests. Build a good track record by taking courses in your area of interest, doing well, and showing you can work independently. Go to Math Club meetings; Professors often give basic talks in their field of research.

Faculty Research Interests

2. Take a capstone course

The Math Department offers 3 capstone courses. Research (MATH4020) (Intensive research, pure or applied) Applied Math (MATH4025) (Data driven real world problems) Math Modeling (MATH5131) (Differential Equations based modeling
methods) Once you have the prerequisites these can be taken either to fulfill the NUpath Capstone requirement or as upper level math electives. They are all project based.

3. Do an REU (Research Experience for Undergrads)

Our Math Dept offers Summer REU’s, and there are many opportunities at other Universities. REU’s are generally funded, and frequently don’t require extensive background in a given area. Talk to students in the Math Club who have done REU’s. Here is some advice to REU applicants. Another resource is the American Mathematical Society website for REU. For more information about specific REU opportunities, visit

REU research opportunities

4. Do a Junior-Senior Honors Thesis

Take a two-course sequence beginning with either an Independent Study or a Capstone, and continue with a thesis course. This sequence is available to Honors and non-Honors students alike, and after a successful thesis defense you graduate with Honors in Mathematics.

Junior/Senior Thesis Info