When: June 13th – August 7th, 2021.
Where: Virtual.
Application Due: February 15, 2021.
Website: research.pomona.edu/prime
The Department of Mathematics at Pomona College will offer an 8-week program to conduct research in Algebraic Geometry & Number Theory. The program, entitled PRiME (Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience), will run from June 13 through August 7, 2021. The program is being sponsored by the National Security Agency (H98230-21-1-0015).
The REU will be run virtually. Programming will include background lectures for the first 2 weeks on topics such as Group Theory, Differential Geometry, Elliptic Curves, Modular Curves, Belyi Maps, and Dessins d’Enfants. There will be three research groups working independently for the following 6 weeks. Participants attend various colloquia featuring outside speakers. At the end of the summer, assuming health restrictions allow, participants will travel to Sacramento, CA to attend the MAA MathFest.