RISE is the showcase for research and creative projects being undertaken by everyone at Northeastern: learners from every year of study, every major, every campus! If you created or discovered it during the past year, you can share it at RISE.
Abstracts are due March 8, 2021!
Wondering what can be shared at RISE? RISE projects can be…
- Research from on co-op (speak with employer)
- A research paper for a class
- A community-engaged research or service-learning project
- A project completed for a capstone or thesis
- A piece of art made
- A performance staged
- A composition recorded
- A prototype developed
- A game designed
- A business plan written
- An impact assessment completed
- A policy proposal you drafted
- Any other work that relied on discovery, originality,
novelty, creativity, or innovation!
In short, RISE is for you. Artists and engineers, journalists and data-wranglers, social change-makers and entrepreneurs, denizens of labs, studios, archives, and makerspaces, show the world what you’ve done!
The first step to presenting at RISE is submitting a brief summary of the work you anticipate sharing in April.
If your project is still underway, don’t worry and don’t wait! Share the abstract with the information you have now and your best ideas about what you hope to learn and discover.
RISE will be held Thursday, April 15.
Live Q&A’s will happen between 10 AM and 2 PM ET, with panels and more throughout the day.
Questions? Contact RISE@Northeastern.edu.
Link: https://www.northeastern.edu/rise/news/share-your-work-at-rise/